Consider this news article dated 5th Feb 2019. "Is prohibition really effective in Gujarat?"
This article starts with
In dry Gujarat, two cases from different parts of the State show how prohibition is a sham.Then they go on to narrate 2 cases where bootleggers were apprehended with a stash of alcohol to prove this awesome conclusion. There are frequent opinion pieces and articles like the above which rail against the law citing violation of personal freedoms, tax revenue loss, ineffectiveness of prohibition etc. More often that not, these pieces are written by bevdas who love their alcohol.
Qualitatively, the results have been clear for all to see. Most gujaratis will not mind people drinking in their private spaces, however they do not tolerate drunk people on the streets. Such people are looked at with disdain. Street drunkenness has not been normalized because it is indeed rare. That's a major positive, for the law as well for street safety.
But lets look at some data:
Below chart is from Nationwide survey - National Family Health Survey 4 (2015-16)
NFHS4 2015-16: % of men & women who consume alcohol - statewise |
At 11% of men, Gujarat ranks in bottom 3 states in terms of % of people who consume alcohol. This is one third the Indian average. The law has absolutely worked.
It is clear that decently enforced prohibition works (train and bus passengers embarking at Karnavati are checked for alcohol in buses, autos, train stations randomly). It is also apparent that no ban works 100%, and also leaves scope for some corruption and black-marketeering. But those side effects are well worth the actual outcome.
Societal ill effects of alcohol
1. Alcohol use is highly positively related to domestic violence on women. Below chart from NFHS4 is self explanatory. Alcohol is a breaker of families.
2. Alcohol use makes the streets & homes unsafe for women
3. Alcohol is the most widely used date rape drug
The recent #metooindia stories throw light on how woke male feminists use alcohol to take advantage of women who have reduced defenses. Studies prove that alcohol is a most potent and widely used date rape drug. 50% of violent crime and sexual assaults involve the use of alcohol.
4. Hindu community more afflicted
NFHS data also shows us that 32% of Hindu men consume alcohol as opposed to 11% muslim men.
Feminists should be the first ones to demand heavy regulation of alcohol
This is how the american 1st wave feminist movement started. But modern feminists want to play a game of race to the bottom, drinking alcohol and partying with strangers is a mark of high status for them. Freedom to be stupid! Liberalism is a race to the bottom indeed as Indian alcohol consumption increased 38% in last 7 years. Time for people to start shaming drunkards......
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